Yoeri Albrecht
Yoeri Albrecht is director of De Balie, a theatre and national centre for the arts and live journalism in Amsterdam. He is also non-executive director of the board of media house Vereniging Veronica (owner of ANP and NRC Handelsblad), a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and founding boardmember of the European Press Prize. Yoeri serves as chairman of the editorial board of the human rights magazine “Wordt Vervolgd” and of OSIFE, Open Society Foundation Initiative for Europe. He is founder and curator of FoEC (Forum on European Culture) which was in held in Amsterdam in 2016 and will be held again in 2018.
Yoeri is also commentator at the Dutch National Public Broad Caster Radio NPO 1. He is among others the author of: “Re:Thinking Europe, Thoughts on Europe: Past, Present and Future”.
Yoeri Albrecht holds a master’s degree in history and a postgraduate degree in international law from Leiden University and he studied European Politics and taught European Thought at Oxford University.