Yegor Skovoroda
Yegor Skovoroda has won the 2021 European Press Prize Special Award with ‘Brutalised Minsk: how Belarusian police beat protesters.’
Yegor Skovoroda (33) is a Moscow based journalist, who wrote for many Russian media, e.g. Novaya Gazeta, Esquire, The New Times, Meduza, Bolshoy Gorod, Russkaya Planeta and others. Skovoroda has been awarded with some local press prizes — Redkollegia, Professiya Journalist and Akhmednabi Akhmednabiev (prize for articles about the situation in the North Caucasus). In 2014, Skovoroda was part of a small team of journalist who launched new media outlet Mediazona.
In 2019 Skovoroda has published a book, Dialogs of murders, based on wiretaps of Nikita Tikhonov and Evgeniya Khasis, two lead members of Russian neo-Nazi band BORN. Skovoroda also works with Moscow based Theatre.doc; he took part in a play about torture victims in 2018-2019 – this project has been demonstrated not only in Russia, but also in Prague, London, Berlin and Tel Aviv.
Christoph Lenz
Christoph Lenz was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘The climate disgrace of Visp.’
Christoph Lenz, born 1983, is an investigative reporter and staff writer for Tamedia news group and «Das Magazin» in Switzerland. He covers politics and business and the grey area where the two touch. He started at «Schaffhauser Nachrichten» in his native town and has since been reporting for «Der Bund», «Blick» and «Tages-Anzeiger». In 2017 he was awarded the Swiss Press Award (Category: Text) for exposing how a federal minister tried to create a tax loophole for agricultural land from which the ministers family would have profited heavily.