Rocío Márquez

Rocío Márquez was selected for the 2023 Shortlist with Barrio Salamanca.

She began studying Art and Design and later completed a professional degree in Advertising Graphics. Later in 2009 she completed a master’s degree in Digital Arts where she began to work with data visualization and was able to obtain a scholarship as an infographic designer at La Vanguardia. Later she has worked as a freelance infographics artist for the same newspaper, Prodigioso Volcán, La Cruz Roja and La Sagrada Familia. Two years ago she completed a Master’s in Data Visualization (Universitat de Girona) and began working as an infographist and new narratives designer at El Confidencial, where she currently continues working and where she and New Narratives, and Data team have won and been a finalist in Society of News Design Awards and Information is Beautiful Awards.

Fernando Anido

Fernando Anido was selected for the 2023 Shortlist with Barrio Salamanca.

Web developer and data journalist, actually working at the Spanish newspaper El Mundo and before at El Confidencial.