Nelson Rauda Zablah
Nelson Rauda Zablah (El Salvador, 1991) is an up-and-coming journalist with five years of experience. He started his career in 2013 working for La Prensa Grafica, one of the two biggest print outlets in the country. There he worked in the judiciary department, a busy section to report in one of the most violent countries in the world, covering gang violence, the justice system, impunity and the police forces. In 2015, he transfered to El Faro, Central America’s first online-only newsmagazine. In 2016, Rauda was a part of the El Faro team that won the Gabriel García Márquez Excellence Award, a prestigious award for media companies in Latin America and Spain. His work is still mostly based in the judiciary system, but since joining El Faro he has expanded into political coverage, migration and environmental topics. Rauda has studied specialized journalism courses in Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala and the United States. He has a degree in Social Communication and a diploma on Constitutional Law. His work has been published in BBC (London), ElDiario.Es and Revista 21 (Spain), and Los Angeles Times (USA).

Nelson Rauda Zablah was selected for the 2018 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Enslaved Land‘