Nazik Armenakyan
Nazik Armenakyan was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with The Missing Daughters of the South Caucasus.
Nazik Armenakyan is an award-winning Armenian photographer, co-founder of 4Plus Documentary Photography center. She studied photography in Armenia, under Ruben Mangasaryan at the Caucasus Institute, Yerevan, and has also completed a Magnum Foundation Photography and Human Rights Program fellowship at New York University in 2011.
Since the beginning of her career, Armenakyan has focused her attention on individuals and social groups living on the margins of Armenian society, focusing more on the topics that are shrouded by silence and hostility. In 2007, she started three long-term and in-depth research projects, two of which resulted in books: Survivors (2005-2015), a photo-essay about the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and the Stamp of Loneliness (2010-2013) about members of a closed transgender community in Yerevan. The subject of her third ongoing project are Armenian women of different ages living with HIV.
Armenakyan’s photographs have been published in The New York Times Lens blog, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, Politiken, WOZ magazine, The Funambulist magazine and other international publications.