Maik Großekathöfer
Maik Großekathöfer was selected for the 2022 European Press Prize shortlist with The First Hotspot.
Maik Großekathöfer was born 6th of March 1972 in Guetersloh. He studied journalism, political sciences and German philology at the Westfaelische Wilhelms-University in Muenster and graduated in October 1997. Then he attended the Henri-Nannen School for Journalism in Hamburg until September 1999. Maik Großekathöfer started to work for the German news magazine DER SPIEGEL in November 1999. He worked as a sports reporter for 16 years, covering for example four Olympic Games. Then he worked for the »Reporter« department, writing about a variety of topics, such as the refugee crises in 2015, right-wing populism and sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Since September 2020 he has been working for the »Deutschland« department, mainly covering the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Maik Großekathöfer is married and the father of two children.