Hester den Boer
Hester den Boer is a freelance investigative journalist and photographer. She works for Investico (former de Onderzoeksredactie / Investigative Desk), for which she did several long term investigative journalism projects. One of these projects was nominated for the European Press Prize 2015. She’s specialized in documentary photography, mostly in Russia. She travels on a regular basis to the periphery of Russia and founded the online platform Moeder Rusland, kleine verhalen uit een grootmacht/Mother Russia, small stories from a big country (www.moederrusland.nl). Now she’s working on a long-term project on the remembrance of the Stalinist past in Russia. A written book and a photo book on this topic will be published in 2018.
Hester den Boer was selected for the 2015 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Dreams of Camp Nou’