Introducing new prepcom member Natalia Chientaroli
The European Press Prize would like to proudly introduce Natalia Chientaroli, working for, as our newest preparatory committee member. As she was already editor-in-chief at the age of 10, we had a lot to talk about!
Why did you become a journalist?
I used to say I didn’t know why I became a journalist. But recently I found at my mother’s house a document that explains many things. It was a school newspaper in which I was the editor-in-chief at the age of 10. Suddenly I remembered the fantastic work in that makeshift newsroom with journalists aged 8 to 12. The result was a funny newspaper full of news (and, of course, crosswords) published with the help of a typewriter and a photocopy machine. The editorial I signed said, “We share this space where a lot of things happen. Let’s talk about them”. Now the world goes far beyond the bounds of my old school, but somehow I still feel the same way: we share this space. Let’s talk about what is going on. Let’s tell stories. is an online newspaper; how do you adjust your content to that?
I started working as a journalist when I was very young, at 21. In all these years I have seen newspapers and journalism change substancially. It has been five years now working at and I can say I have learned a lot about new ways of telling stories and visualize data.
Additionally, I have gained insights into the importance of online platforms and social networks in our profession. I have always tried to update myself with the new technological tools and the new challenges for journalism. I have shared my space with young people who enlightened me, since I was able to learn relevant knowledge from them. At the same time, I am able to pass on to them some values connected with hard work and integrity. In other words, I transmit them the importance of doing our job with honesty.
What role should/could journalist prizes have?
To award good journalism is a fantastic way to promote excellence in our profession. In times of a lack of job stability, it is important to support journalists’ work and recognize their contribution to society. All in all, an award given to a journalist always represent the recognition of having done an honest job and, even more important today, is the expression of strong support in case you do not have the economic and prestige backup of a big newspaper.
What are you hoping to read among the entries of EPP 2018?
I am hoping to read material which has a strong focus on social and environmental issues. In addition, I would love to read articles written by women, because still today we do not occupy the same professional spaces as men do. Finally, it would be very insightful to read material which is brave enough to challenge the powerful structures.