Imagining a new journalism: European Press Future at the UAL

The European Press Future, our series of guest lectures in journalism schools and universities, brought us to the United Kingdom, at the UAL – Central Saint Martins.

Talking to students, whether they already know their dream is to become a journalist or they are busy with a bachelor’s or a master’s that involves creativity and culture, is the best way to understand what journalism is about, and what it should become.

This is why, in 2022, we ideated our European Press Future initiative, where we bring our Laureates to the youngsters and foster a conversation on journalism in all its many shapes and forms.

Our first stop of the year was at the MA Applied Imagination at the University of Arts London – Central Saint Martins, where we created a bespoke project brief in partnership with the course’s staff.

At the UAL – Central Saint Martin

Our Laureates Elena Stancu and Tina Xu held two guest lectures for the students of the MA.

The lectures will be followed by a moment of creation, during which the students will develop their own journalistic project and pitch it to academic staff/lecturers and journalists of the European Press Prize. This way, the project extends further than two simple lectures and becomes something collaborative and more articulated.

Cecilia Mezzi, Associate Lecturer of the MA: “Partnering with the European Press Prize has been invaluable in allowing students to locate their practice in an area of research that is emerging in a global context. Connecting with journalists and seeing the aftermath of their work is precious, as a core aspect has been to focus on how they will measure the impact resulting from their story being told and how they could harness that impact to introduce tangible change.”

Richard Reynolds, Course Leader: “This project invites our students to become both researchers and storytellers – to reproduce and learn from the practice of journalists. We want to encourage all of our students to travel outside the university “bubble”, and to engage directly with relevant stakeholder groups. In this way, students will gain first-hand knowledge of external issues and conditions, acting as problem-finders in a way that leads to dynamic and effective participatory action research.”

Elena Stancu and Tina Xu

At Central Saint Martins, our Laureates Elena Stancu and Tina Xu held two guest lectures to interface with the students and explain what they believe journalism is, and how they practice it.

Elena Stancu holding a guest lecture at the UAL

Elena Stancu is a European Press Prize Nominee, specialising in long-form traveling journalism. In 2013, she moved into a motorhome and started traveling around Romania to work on local projects. She tells extensive stories about today’s Romania on

Tina Xu, is also a Prize Nominee, and a designer, videographer, photographer, and writer. She is experienced in alternative ways of storytelling and believes that stories must transcend traditional mediums to bridge hearts and cultures effectively and that some more empathy and understanding may save us all.

They represent, in their own specific ways, new approaches to journalism, hyperlocal and international, focused on small stories to portray a bigger picture, and are well aware of the importance and power of storytelling in their professions.

Participate in the European Press Future

Are you a university or an institution for journalistic training, and would like to collaborate with us?

Or are you one of our Laureates and you are interested in sharing your knowledge with young professionals?

Reach out to [email protected]

Jennifer Athanasiou-Prins is the new Director of the European Press Prize

We are happy to announce that Jennifer Athanasiou-Prins stepped up to the role of Director of the European Press Prize.

Nienke Venema, chair of the Board of the European Press Prize: “Jennifer has been a valuable member of the European Press Prize team for almost five years. Her eminent talent, energy, enthusiasm and devotion to the cause make her a natural successor to Thomas van Neerbos. We as a Board have great confidence in her leadership skills and look forward to working with her.”

Prior to her position as Director, Jennifer Athanasiou-Prins has been our Contracts & Partner Lead for two years, and Head of Operations for three years before that. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Laws degree with honours as well as a Master of Laws degree in Dutch civil law from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Jennifer specialises in organisational and business development, community building, fundraising and building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders. Given her legal background, she values governance and equity highly.

Jennifer Athanasiou-Prins at iMEdD’s International Journalism Forum 2022 talking about the European Press Prize

A new entry season of the Prize opens, with a new Director

The appointment of Jennifer as Director overlaps with the start of a new season of the Prize, marked by the opening of the entry period on 1 October. Journalists from the Council of Europe, plus Belarus and Russia are encouraged to submit their pieces until December 15.

She explained: “It is an honour to lead an organisation that is committed to encouraging independent quality journalism. In a time where trust in journalism is declining, I believe the European Press Prize can distinguish and set a standard of what quality journalism entails. By celebrating and empowering journalists all over Europe and beyond, we strive to offer them a source of legitimacy in complicated times – and that is a mission that I wholeheartedly support and will prioritise.”

After a ten-year-long directorship of Thomas van Neerbos, the role passes now to Jennifer, to continue in the footsteps of her predecessor and continue strengthening our organisation:

Jennifer said: “I am beyond excited to fulfil the position of Director and honoured by the confidence expressed by the Board in me. Strengthening the European Press Prize further for the future will be at the core of my activities. I will endeavour to do this through a people-centred approach that values cultural sensitivity – and by maintaining the valuable relationships we already have with our current stakeholders as well as establishing new partnerships.”

The Bureau of the Prize wishes Jennifer all the best, and is eager to continue working with her to celebrate and support all the journalists of Europe and beyond.