Oleksandr Mahula

Oleksandr Mahula was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with “I Have Not Slept for 45 days.”; A Day in a Military Psychological Rehabilitation Unit.

Oleksandr Mahula is a photographer originally from Kharkiv, member of Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP) and a journalist at Suspilne News in Kyiv. He studied journalism at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Before the war, he worked in local media. He has worked with the largest German-language print media in Europe (NZZ, FAZ, TAZ, Focus, DerStandard). The quality journalism according to Oleksandr is to tell important stories that the world would rather turn a blind eye to.


Anastasiia Ivantsiv

Anastasiia Ivantsi was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with “I Have Not Slept for 45 Days”: A Day in a Military Psychological Rehabilitation Unit.

Anastasiia Ivantsiv is a journalist based in Kyiv, Ukraine, who works for Suspilne News. She works as a reporter for six years. Before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, she wrote stories about human rights, medical reforms, the education system of Ukraine, gender problems, covered the COVID-19 pandemic. After 24 February 2022 Anastasiia worked with stories about people who are at war or living during war. Worked at Kyiv, Lviv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, and Donetsk region. 
