Maximilian Popp

Maximilian Popp was selected for the 2022 European Press Prize shortlist for ‘Back Channel Cooperation: How Frontex Helps Haul Migrants Back To Libyan Torture Camps.’

Maximilian Popp was born in Passau in 1986. He graduated from the Henri Nannen School of Journalism in Hamburg and studied political science in Istanbul. He has worked for SPIEGEL since 2010, initially as a Reporter for the German Desk in Dresden, Hamburg and Berlin, and since 2016 as a correspondent in Istanbul. Since April 2019, he has been deputy head of the foreign department. He was awarded the Journalism Prize of the Southeast Europe Society for his reporting on Turkey.

Klaas van Dijken

Klaas van Dijken was selected for the 2022 European Press Prize shortlist for ‘Back Channel Cooperation: How Frontex Helps Haul Migrants Back To Libyan Torture Camps.’

Klaas van Dijken is co-founder and one of the directors of Lighthouse Reports. His work mainly concentrates on human rights violations at Europe’s borders, conflict areas and countries with repressive regimes. His work has been published in media worldwide. He won the Dutch De Tegel award and has been nominated for a Prix Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Reporting in France.