Carlos Serrano

Carlos Serrano was selected for the 2022 European Press Prize shortlist with The Age of the Wolf

After studying History, Carlos moved to Madrid to study for a master’s degree in Medieval Studies. There he realized that the capital was not for him. As he needed inspiration, he returned to Cantabria, his native land, where he decided never to stray too far from the sea and the mountains. He is the author of the novel El Foramontano, and will publish a historical novel again next year with Editorial Pamiés. He currently writes about travel for Condé Nast Traveler and is a Geography and History teacher at a school in Santander.

Guillermo López

Guillermo López was selected for the 2022 European Press Prize shortlist with The Age of the Wolf

In addition to being a journalist, Guillermo has a degree in Environmental Sciences and is co-founder of the non-fiction publisher Libros del K.O. He has developed his career in digital media such as, Verne (El País) or Univision. After living in the US and seeing how Americans brag about their landscapes and parks, he launched Salvaje, a paper magazine about nature and countryside, with the aim of changing the poor view that his compatriots have of the Spanish countryside.