Michael Lund

Michael Lund was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Money laundering at Danske Bank

Michael Lund (1979) is a Danish journalist with many years of experience in investigative reporting. He has uncovered several high profile cases of financial crime, corruption, fraud and political scandals in Denmark and received awards for his work. Michael Lund is part of the team that uncovered the money laundering scandal at Danske Bank – today known as one of the world’s biggest money laundering cases.

Simon Bendtsen

Simon Bendtsen was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Money laundering at Danske Bank

Simon Bendtsen (1981) is an investigative reporter and editor at the business section at the danish newspaper Berlingske. For two years he has investigated the money laundering scandal at Denmarks biggest lender, Danske Bank, which has become known internationally as one of history’s biggest.