Wa Lone

Wa Lone was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Myanmar Burning

Wa Lone, who joined Reuters in July 2016, has covered a range of in-depth stories in Myanmar, including land grabs by the powerful military and the murder of prominent politician Ko Ni, as well as uncovering evidence of killings by soldiers in the northeast. His reporting on the crisis that erupted in northwestern Rakhine state in October 2016 won him a joint honorable mention from the Society of Publishers in Asia in its annual awards.

Wa Lone previously worked for the Myanmar Times, where he covered Myanmar’s historic 2015 elections, and the weekly People’s Age, where his editor was Myanmar’s current Minister of Information Pe Myint.

Wa Lone co-founded the Third Story Project, a charitable foundation that produces and distributes stories that aim to promote tolerance between Myanmar’s different ethnic groups, and is involved in projects working with orphans. He also wrote a children’s book, The Gardener, a story in Burmese and English with an environmental message that draws on his own rural roots.

Wa Lone met his wife while working at the Myanmar Times.

Nina Horaczek

Nina Horaczek was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Propaganda War in Europe: The Far-Right Media

Nina Horaczek was born 1977 in Vienna. She studied political sciences and started working as a journalist for the Austrian weekly magazine “Falter” in the year 2000. She is specialized on the topics far right in Austria and Europe, migration and asylum. She also wrote several books on Populism and the extreme right. Since 2013, she is reporter-in-chief at the Falter. She is also Lecturer at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Vienna.