Vera Mulder

Vera Mulder was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Someone I wish I hadn’t known

Vera Mulder (1989, Den Bosch) is a Dutch journalist. She is a founding editor at the independent and member-driven online platform De Correspondent. Her role there is described as ‘Prejudice Correspondent.’ Socially engaged and with an eye for the humor and tragedy that bound us all, she writes about the people on the fringes of society, about the way we perceive each other, where those perceptions come from and where they can take us. Her stories, from short observations in literary form to extensive journalistic documentary stories are always about the ‘them’ who, when taken a closer look, always turn out to be ‘us’.

Madeleine Schwartz

Madeleine Schwartz has won the 2019 European Press Prize Opinion Award with ‘The end of Atlanticism: has Trump killed the ideology that won the cold war?

Madeleine Schwartz has written for Agence France-Presse, The London Review of Books, The Guardian, Harper’s, Politico, and The New York Review of Books, where she worked as an editor for several years. Her reporting has been supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the International Women’s Media Foundation and the Fulbright Foundation. She writes about European politics and culture from Berlin and regularly comments for print and radio media. 
She studied Classics at Harvard and at Oxford, where she received a Henry Fellowship.