Rune Vandvik

Rune Vandvik started his mediatraining at Ringerike folk high school, and has since the mid 90s worked as a journalist, video producer and photographer in radio, television and newspapers. Since 2004 he has been working for the Norwegian media company Stavanger Aftenblad. Together with his colleagues Thomas Ergo and Hans Petter Aass he has produced several major stories and documentary films, some of them awarded with Norwegian press prizes.

Rune Vandvik was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ’Glass Girl’

Fintan O’Toole

Fintan O’Toole was born in Dublin in 1958 and has been a columnist with The Irish Times since 1988. He has been drama critic of The Sunday Tribune, The Irish Times and the New York Daily News. He contributes regularly to The Guardian, The Observer and The New York Review of Books. He is the author of 16 books on culture, politics and history. Awards include the PEN Martha Albrand Award, the AT Cross Award for Supreme Contribution to Irish Journalism, and TV3 Journalist of the Year. 

Fintan O’Toole was nominated for the European Press Prize shortlist in 2016 and he won the 2017 European Press Prize Commentator Award with ‘Columns on the Brexit’