Tamás Bodoky

Tamás Bodoky is an investigative journalist and editor, and nonprofit executive based in Budapest, Hungary. Tamás has been a journalist since 1996: before joining Index.hu, where he spent 9 years in different journalistic and editorial positions, he was science and technology journalist at the Magyar Narancs weekly paper. Tamás has won the Gőbölyös Soma Prize for investigative journalism in 2008 for his articles on Hungary’s 2006 unrest and police brutality. Tamás has won the Iustitia Regnorum Fundamentum and the Hungarian Pulitzer Memorial Prize for his investigative articles and freedom of information lawsuits on high level political corruption cases. Tamás is Marshall Memorial Fellowship alumni, and member of international investigative journalism networks. In 2011 Tamás co-founded hungarian watchdog NGO and investigative journalism center atlatszo.hu, where he serves as editor in chief and executive director.

Tamás Bodoky was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Atlatszo.hu’

Natalia Antelava

Natalia Antelava (Tbilisi, Georgia) is co-founder of Coda Story. She is an Emmy-nominee and award winning journalist. Natalia leads the editorial team working on Coda’s Disinformation Crisis edition, which provides in-depth, multimedia and often experimental reporting on how “fake news” and propaganda affects lives in the former Soviet Union and Europe. Natalia started her career freelancing in West Africa, has written for the Guardian, Forbes Magazine and the New Yorker among others and has been BBC’s resident correspondent in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East, Washington DC and most recently India. She has reported undercover from Burma, Yemen and Uzbekistan and her investigations into human rights abuses in Central Asia, Iraq and the United States have won her a number of awards.

Natalia Antelava was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Coda Story’