Sinan Çankaya

Sinan Çankaya is both a writer and a scientist. He got promoted with an investigation on diversity within the police organization (Buiten veiliger dan binnen, 2011). Afterwards he researched ethnic profiling (De Controle van Marsmannetjes en ander Schorriemorrie, 2012). Nowadays, Sinan works as a university lecturer at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and he writes monthly articles for De Correspondent. 

Sinan Çankaya got selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Microrevolutions in everyday racism

Tom Burgis

Tom Burgis is the Financial Times’ investigations correspondent, based in London. Previously he was posted in Johannesburg and Lagos. Tom has investigated corruption and money-laundering from Kazakhstan to Angola to Manhattan, the far-right, terrorist networks in Europe and China’s quest for Africa’s resources. He has won awards for his reporting and for his first book, The Looting Machine: Warlords, Tycoons, Smugglers and the Systematic Theft of Africa’s Wealth. 

Tom Burgis was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Dark Money: London’s Dirty Secret’