Clara Jiménez Cruz

Clara Jiménez Cruz, together with Julio Montes Moreno, developed Maldita Hemeroteca (@mhemeroteca), an online born project. It’s aim is to confront and expose political contradictions by retrieving political statements front the past. It started in november 2014 and currently it’s not only online, but it also takes part on a primetime national TV show and has a blog on

Clara Jiménez Cruz was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Maldita Hemeroteca’ and for the 2018 shortlist with ‘Damned Hoax‘.

Ana Maria Ciobanu

Ana Maria Ciobanu is a reporter at DoR magazine and a narrative journalism trainer. When she is not spending her time with her daughter Alice, Ana is reporting on social inequality, on childcare system reform, domestic violence and discrimination. For the last two years, she has been documenting on whether a well-intentioned group of donors can save a young mother out of poverty.

Ana Maria Ciobanu won the 2017 European Press Prize Special Award with ‘Colectiv’