Miranda Patrucic

Based in Sarajevo, Miranda Patrucic is an investigative reporter and regional editor for OCCRP focusing on Central Asia, the Balkans and the Caucasus. Highlights of her work include exposing billions in telecom bribes in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, uncovering hidden assets of Azerbaijan’s and Montenegro’s ruling elites, the €1.2 billion arms trade between Europe and Gulf fueling conflicts in the Middle East, and ties between organized crime, government and business in Montenegro. She collaborated with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) on a project involving tobacco smuggling, the $4 billion black market in endangered bluefin tuna, Swiss Leaks and Panama Papers. She is the recipient of the Knight International Journalism Award, theGlobal Shining Light Award, IRE Tom Renner Award, the Daniel Pearl Award and European Press Prize. She is much in demand worldwide for training journalists on how to investigate and uncover corruption, money laundering and how to follow the money.  

Miranda Patrucic was selected for the 2013 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘The Proxy Platform’, the 2015 shortlist with ‘Unholy Alliances’ and she won the 2015 Special Award with ‘The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project’

Dejan Milovac

Dejan Milovac is leading investigator in MANS’ Center for Investigations, dealing with cases of high level corruption and organized crime and so fat lead investigations on different topics. His area of expertise is within spatial planning and construction, energy, concessions and state assets management. One of the key investigations done so far resulted in criminal prosecution and court cases where complex network of interests between domestic and foreign investments were discovered by Milovac. The prosecution of this case lead to the recovery of tens of millions of euros, which were returned to the state budget.  

Dejan Milovac was selected for the 2015 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Unholy Alliances’