Drew Sullivan

Drew Sullivan is a serial entrepreneur who founded and edited the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2004. He co-founded the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Program (OCCRP) where he serves as editor. He founded the Journalism Development Network, an innovative media development organization with programs worldwide. As a journalist, he led a team of reporters looking at corruption by the Bosnian prime minister which led to his eventual indictment and resignation. Under his direction, OCCRP has won the Daniel Pearl Award (2 times), the Online Journalism Award (2x), the Global Shining Light Award (3x), the Tom Renner award for Crime Reporting (2x), the European Press Prize and dozens of others. He was an investigative reporter for The Tennessean and the Associated Press. He has served or is serving on the boards of Investigative Reporters and Editors, the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting, CIN and Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism.  Before becoming a journalist, he was a professional standup comedian and an aerospace engineer on the Space Shuttle Project for Rockwell Space Systems. 

Drew Sullivan won the 2015 Special Award with ‘The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project’

Jelena Prtoric

Jelena Prtoric is a freelance journalist reporting (mostly) from southeastern Europe. She holds a Master’s degree in Journalism from Sciences Po journalism school in Paris, and has worked for various print, web and radio outlets in French, English and Croatian. Her interests include human rights, gender politics, creative technologies, and all things Soviet. She prefers in-depth reporting, and long form to breaking news stories. In 2015 she was shortlisted for the European Press Prize, in 2017 she won “The best report prize” in Croatia.

Jelena Prtoric was selected for the 2015 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘La femme est un homme comme les autres’