Ilvy Njiokiktjien

Ilvy Njiokiktjien is an independent photographer and multimedia journalist based in the Netherlands. She has worked in many parts of the world, with a focus on Africa. As a news and documentary photographer, she covers current affairs and contemporary social issues. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, NRC Handelsblad, Der Spiegel, Telegraph Magazine and l’Espresso, among others, and was exhibited at Visa pour l’Image in 2012. Accolades include a Canon AFJ Award, a World Press Photo Multimedia Award, and first prize in POYi’s Issue Reporting Multimedia Story.

Ilvy Njiokiktjien was selected for the 2013 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Afrikaner Blood’

Lukas Hässig

Lukas Hässig became a self-employed, freelance economic journalist based in Zurich in the spring of 2006. Since then, he is writing articles and in November 2011 he launched the Internet financial newspaper ‘Inside Paradeplatz’.

In time of the major crisis starting in 2007, he wrote two books on the issues around the Swiss bank USB: “Der UBS-Crash” (2009) and “Paradies Perdu” (2010), published by the Hamburg publishing house Hoffmann and Campe. “The UBS crash” was honored with the Wirtschaftsbuchpreis 2009 by getAbstract and Handelszeitung.

 In addition to his work as a journalist, he gives interviews on financial and business questions and he gives lectures. 

Lukas Hässig was selected for the 2013 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Inside Paradeplatz, Finanznews aus Zürich’