Nesrine Malik

Nesrine Malik was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with ‘All That We Had is Gone’: My Lament for War-Torn Khartoum

Nesrine Malik is a Sudanese British award winning non-fiction author, journalist and columnist. She is the author of We Need New Stories, Challenging the Myths Behind our Age of Discontent (UK), and The Myths That Subvert Freedom (US). Malik has been a columnist and features writer for The Guardian newspaper since 2019, and her work focuses on foreign policy, immigration, culture war, and identity politics.

Oleksandr Mahula

Oleksandr Mahula was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with “I Have Not Slept for 45 days.”; A Day in a Military Psychological Rehabilitation Unit.

Oleksandr Mahula is a photographer originally from Kharkiv, member of Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP) and a journalist at Suspilne News in Kyiv. He studied journalism at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Before the war, he worked in local media. He has worked with the largest German-language print media in Europe (NZZ, FAZ, TAZ, Focus, DerStandard). The quality journalism according to Oleksandr is to tell important stories that the world would rather turn a blind eye to.