Jakob Kluge

Jakob Kluge was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Radmesser

Jakob Kluge is a social scientist living in Berlin. As an avid cyclist, he not only explores the world on two wheels, but is also involved in a variety of projects and initiatives related to cycling. Currently he is working at the IZT – Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment, where he deals with the exploration of automated decision processes and their influences on opinion formation as well as social behaviour. Other projects address users’ anticipation of Mobility-as-a-Service offerings and expected societal effects.

Hans Hack

Hans Hack was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Radmesser

Hans Hack is a freelance web developer, datavisualiser, map maker, artist and tool builder working in the field of data visualization with a strong focus on maps. He also works for Datawrapper where he develops a tool that empowers journalists to create maps. Hans has worked for diverse newspapers and he occasionally publishes private data journalist projects on his site.