Efe Kerem Sözeri

Efe Kerem Sözeri was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with Elections clouds cleared: Which party, which candidate says what?

Efe Kerem Sözeri is a Turkish researcher who wrote about the use of disinformation and censorship by governments. He has published stories on P24 and Bianet in Turkey, TAZ in Germany, Poynter and Daily Dot in the U.S. He also works on a PhD thesis on migrants’ political preferences, and has two kids.

Helena Wittlich

Helena Wittlich was selected for the 2019 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Radmesser

Helena Wittlich is a 30-year old journalist based in Berlin. In January 2019 she started working as an editor at the recently established Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab which focuses on participatory crowd investigation, data-driven reporting, and the development of appealing forms of storytelling for online readers. She became part of the project “Radmesser” in August 2018.

Before joining Der Tagesspiegel as a freelancer in 2015, she worked for different German media such as Zeit Online and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Helena Wittlich studied science journalism at Hochschule Darmstadt and journalism and media studies as a Fulbright Scholar at Rutgers University in New Jersey as well as history and culture of science and technology at Technische Universität Berlin.