Piret Reiljan

Piret Reiljan was selected as runner-up for the 2021 European Press Prize Innovation Award with ‘Money to Burn.’

Piret Reiljan is an investigative business journalist. She worked 14 years for Estonian business outlet Äripäev, where she most recently was head of the investigative desk. Since May 2020 Piret is a freelance journalist, currently for example editing Äripäev’s Investor magazine, writing weekly investment page for daily paper Õhtuleht and co-authoring for Estonian investigative broadcast “Pealtnägija.” Piret has won 3 national investigative journalism awards, the Bonnier Prize (for 2009, 2012 and 2017).

Paul Toetzke

Paul Toetzke was selected as runner-up for the 2021 European Press Prize Innovation Award with ‘Money to Burn.’

Paul Toetzke is a freelance journalist based in Berlin with a passion for investigative projects, the long-read format and collaborative journalism. His focus is on social issues, human rights and migration. Paul is fascinated by the post-Soviet space and has been reporting from countries like Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia. His work has been published in ZEIT Online, taz, brand eins, The Guardian, Coda Story and others. He has also worked as a fixer and researcher for different foreign media outlets like CNN. Currently, Paul is coordinating a long-term cross-border investigation on Russian influence.