Johan Giraud

Johan Giraud was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Johan Giraud is a graphic designer and web developer who has worked all across Europe including Helsinki, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Munich for different work and life experiences. He has finally settled his butt and bike in Brussels (for now). His focus is on brand identity, article visuals, illustrations and front-end development but print and web design are not the end goal. One day, we might find Johan in the mountains tending a garden.

Elina Makri

Elina Makri was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Elina Makri is an independent journalist and media project manager. She was born in Athens, studied Law in France, International and European Law in Belgium and has been trained on Data Journalism & Computational Reporting at the Columbia Journalism School in New York. She is the co-founder of, a digital platform designed to help cross-border collaborations of media professionals and implement cross-border journalism projects. Since 2006, she has participated and implemented various projects related to new media, always involving European journalists and teams. In 2012 she received the Charlemagne Youth Prize for the European wide project “Europe on the ground”. Since 2014, she works closely with tech professionals for the creation of technological tools that help journalists, organized a Data Journalism hackathon and done data investigations about water mismanagement as well as international migration. Elina enjoys working in the editorial side of media as much as on the business side. Should you want to check more about her work, just tap here.