Özge Sebzeci

Özge Sebzeci was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Born next to the Bosphorus, Özge Sebzeci is a freelance photographer and reporter from Turkey. She studied international relations at Galatasaray University where she decided to approach major stories from a human rights perspective. She aims to explore underreported stories, focusing on gender and migration with an intimate approach. Her reporting and photography has revealed a seldom-seen Turkey and has recently caught the eye of the Magnum Foundation, which awarded her a fellowship. Her work has been published in National Geographic, The Huffington Post, News Deeply, Norwegian VG, Dutch NRC Handelsblad newspapers and Ms Magazine among others.

Adam Masterson

Adam Masterson was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Adam Masterson is an Irish fashion and portrait photographer. His approach to his work focuses on the relationship between subject and viewer, and he aims to create works that convey his personality. His work has appeared in Fashion To Max, Vogue Russia/Thailand (socials), Kaltblut, Hot Press and Nialler9. Adam is constantly collaborating in order to refresh and develop his work, using both film and digital.