Daniela Sala

Daniela Sala was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Daniela Sala is an Italian, Rome-based photographer and multimedia journalist. Her works have appeared in The Guardian, News Deeply, RSI, Open Migration, RaiNews24, Corriere della Sera and Avvenire. She works as a contributor for Radio Radicale. Her work focuses on labour exploitation, gender and migration, the Middle East and mental health. She has reported from the Middle East, South America, Vietnam and Europe.

She holds a PhD in journalism. In 2017, thanks to a scholarship, she graduated from WSP Masterclass in documentary photography in Rome. That same year, she was awarded Premio Morrione for Investigative Journalism for a web-doc on mental health in Italy.

Fariba Nawa

Fariba Nawa was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Fariba Nawa has been covering global news for 20 years from places like Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and now Turkey. She is also a speaker and author of critically-acclaimed Opium Nation: Child Brides, Drug Lords and One Woman’s Journey through Afghanistan. She reports for NPR, PRI’s The World, the New Yorker, Financial Times, The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, among others. A native Afghan, Fariba is fluent in Farsi/Dari and can get by in Arabic and Turkish.