Maria Jou Sol

Maria Jou Sol was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Maria Jou Sol studied image and sound in Barcelona, and graduated in documentary photography. Using photography as a form of self-expression and a tool for social transformation, her projects always focus on people and the human condition. Maria Jou is concerned with photographing everyday life, inspired by the moments that can be captured amidst oblivion.

Jasmin Brutus

Jasmin Brutus was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Jasmin Brutus is a documentary photographer based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. He has worked for a number of major local newspapers and magazines. His work has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, Het Parool, Le Temps, Le Pelerin, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Wirtschaft Woche, Monocle, Spiegel and Brigitte. He has received several awards, including Ex-changes and SEE New Perspectives, which is supported by World Press Photo and the Robert Bosch Stiftung. These days, Jasmin has his eye on videography and documentary filmmaking.