Berta Tilmantaite

Berta Tilmantaite was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Berta Tilmantaite is a Lithuanian journalist, photographer and filmmaker. She reports from different parts of the world and focuses on social issues, human rights and the environment. Berta is a co-founder of the journalism platform, and occasionally works as a lecturer. Berta’s work has been published in National Geographic, Al Jazeera, Geographical, GEO, Rhythms Monthly, China daily and others. Her photo and video stories and projects have won awards at international contests and festivals.

Anne Sofie Hoffmann Schrøder

Anne Sofie Hoffmann Schrøder was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Sisters of Europe.’

Anne Sofie Hoffmann Schrøder is an independent investigative journalist based in Denmark. She’s dedicated to cross-border projects around corruption, migration, disinformation, tribalism, women’s rights, indigenous peoples and social injustice in Latin America and Europe, and has even interviewed former leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. Her work has been published in Deutsche Welle, Euronews, Are We Europe, Politiken, O Globo, ARD and Yle, among others. She’s a former fellow of the IJP, a grantee of the Journalismfund, n-ost and the Robert Bosch Stiftung. In 2017, Anne Sofie won the EYMD award for her work on disinformation and media literacy in the Baltics.