Ricard Marfà

Ricard Marfà was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Infertility: The other face of motherhood.’

Ricard Marfà is a visual and information designer, graduated from Elisava School of Design (2006-2010). He has worked at newspaper ARA (Barcelona) since its foundation in October 2010 and has held different positions, starting off in the printed format and later specializing in the digital format. In 2013 he co-created the department of ‘Interactive and new formats’, which has become the creative and innovation engine of the newspaper. Also, he is currently responsible for the newspaper’s digital product’s visual identity.

Lara Bonilla

Lara Bonilla was selected for the 2021 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘Infertility: The other face of motherhood.’

Lara Bonilla (Barcelona, 1978) graduated in Journalism from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Humanities from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and she is a journalist. She has worked at ARA since its foundation in 2010, where she has occupied different posts. She has worked as a journalist specialising in health topics, as deputy head of Society and as head of Lifestyle. Before that, she had worked in Girona and New York as a correspondent for many Catalan and Spanish media. She has worked for radio, newspapers, television and news agencies. She is now part of ARA’s interactives team and specialises in health, social and feminist issues. Convinced that everyone has a story to tell, she likes to tell the stories hidden behind the big headlines.