Inside Elephant Territory: How Sri Lankans Are Trying to Mitigate the World’s Deadliest Human-Elephant Conflict

To view the project on the Outsiders website, click here.

Text, pictures and video interviews: Lola García-Ajofrín
Additional photography: Marcin Suder and Kanchana Kumara Ariyadasa
Drone footage: Sisira Sampath
Camera trap: Shermin de Silva
Interactive production team: Lola García-Ajofrín, Marcin Suder, Piotr Kliks
Design: Tina Xu
Web development: Piotr Kliks
© 2021 Outriders

Cities for Rent: Investigating Corporate Landlords Across Europe

Everyone needs a home, and even more during a pandemic.

The high demand for rental flats across European cities has contributed to making housing a very attractive investment. At a time when many people can’t find an affordable and decent flat to live, reports of a huge increase in investment flow into housing across Europe go hand in hand with stories of abusive practices by ‘corporate landlords’, companies that buy and rent out housing for profit.

Where is all that money coming from? Who are the companies and investors buying so much housing across Europe? How does this phenomenon affect people’s lives and homes in European cities?

During a period of more than seven months, a team of over 25 investigative and data journalists and visualisations experts from 16 European countries, have been working on the cross-border collaborative project Cities for Rent: Investigating Corporate Landlords Across Europe.

We wanted to find the data and visualise these developments, and document their effects on our cities and in people’s lives. We found that since the financial crisis international investment funds and housing corporations have been buying up homes across European cities and there are different critical issues connected to this.

Access and read stories we have published so far below and read more about the investigation and its main findings on the About page.

Finding all the relevant data is being a challenge due to a lack of transparency by corporate landlords, and we would like Cities for Rent to become the start of an open collaborative effort towards more cross-border research into the crisis of housing affordability in European cities and how that affects people’s lives.

On our website – which you can access below or via the URL –  we share our research methodology and its limitations, and our approach to data visualisation. We have also made available a data catalogue describing all the data sets we have been gathered and generated ourselves.

If you have comments or questions, or if you want to contribute data or research corporate landlords yourself, do get in touch.