Eva Belmonte

Eva Belmonte (Spain, 1982) is a journalist specialised in public data treatment and analysis. She gained journalistic experience writing and editing for major Spanish media organisations like El Mundo, where she worked from 2005 to 2012. She is currently a project manager at Fundación Civio, a non-profit based in Madrid, where she designs, develops and supervises data and investigative journalism projects such asquienmanda.es, Mediacmentalia and elboenuestrodecadadia.com. She is an expert in policies, public procurement and public finance, and delivers training on data journalism to major media organisations in Spain.

Eva Belmonte was selected for the 2016 European Press Prize shortlist with Patents – A toll on Health

Bernt Jakob Oksnes

Bernt Jakob Oksnes is a Norwegian feature journalist in the magazine section of the national newspaper Dagbladet. In 2016 and 2017 he has been the man behind one of the biggest digital journalism successes ever in Norway with his nine parts series “The Baby in The Plastic Bag”. Bernt presented the “The Baby in The Plastic Bag” story in nine chapters as a series over five weeks. The series has achieved record-breaking success in Norway and the rest of the world. The Baby in the Plastic Bag is praised and tweeted about by individuals and media organizations in about 45 countries. Among others, it is recommended by journalists and editors working at BBC, New York Times and Bloomberg Business Week. Polly Mosendz, in Bloomberg Businessweek, writes: “The story of a baby abandoned in a plastic bag and what became of him years later is the best thing I read all year”.

Bernt Jakob Oksnes was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘The Baby in the Plastic Bag’