Natalie Remøe Hansen

Natalie Remøe Hansen is currently working as an investigative journalist for Norway’s largest newspaper VG. Since 2012 she has been working as a video journalist and a documentary filmmaker for VG’s web tv channel VGTV. She took her bachelor degree in journalism in Volda, at the west coast in Norway. 

Natalie Remøe Hansen was selected for the 2016 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘The Downloaders’


Jacopo Ottaviani

Jacopo Ottaviani is an ICFJ Knight Fellow and works as data editor at Code for Africa. He is busy building a team of developers, designers and reporters to produce cross-border journalism and develop digital tools for media.He is experienced in data journalism, digital cartography, immersive storytelling and transnational data projects, and builds narratives and visualisations around data and fieldwork. His works have been published by, among others, DER SPIEGEL, El País, Al Jazeera, De Correspondent and Internazionale.

In 2016 he launched «Lungs of the Earth», an immersive journey across the rainforests of the world and #Borderline, an interactive atlas of migration in Europe.

He is co-author of ‘The Migrants’ Files‘, a cross-border data project that uncovered exclusive information on the human and economic costs of immigration in Europe. The project was awarded with the Data Journalism Awards 2014 and the European Media Prize 2015.

In 2015 he made the web-documentary ‘E-waste Republic‘ which was awarded with the DIG Awards 2015 and the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize 2015.

In 2014-15 he coordinated ‘Generation E‘, a crowdsourced data project that unveiled findings about intra-european youth migration, published by 10+ international media.

Jacopo Ottaviani won the 2015 European Press Prize Innovation Award with ‘The Migrants’ Files: Surveying ­migrants’ deaths at Europe’s door’ and was selected for the 2016 shortlist with ‘E-Waste Republic’