Costel Pătrășcan

For thirty years, Costel Pătrășcan’s cartoons have been published in the largest newspapers in Romania, as well as satirical magazines and television programmes. He is a well-known Romanian cartoonist, known for his humor and prolific output. 

Over time, he has won dozens of awards at international caricature competitions. Pătrășcan set up an international caricature contest in the Romanian city of Braila, as well as a humor festival. 

When he is not working on his cartoons, he acts as a civil society activist, as well as a voice for the environment in his city. 

Costel Pătrășcan’s Facebook page

Ruben L. Oppenheimer

Ruben L. Oppenheimer (1975) is a Dutch cartoonist, well-known for his political cartoons. He studied graphic design at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and illustrative design at the Karel de Grote-Hogeschool in Antwerp. 

Oppenheimer works as freelancer for several Dutch and Belgian newspapers, such as De Standaard, De Gelderlander, Leeuwarder Courant, NRC Handelsblad and NRC Next. His cartoons are often published with his signature