Dialika Neufeld

Dialika Neufeld, born 1982, is a German Journalist and staff writer for Der SPIEGEL magazine. Before joining Der SPIEGEL in 2009, she attended the Henri-Nannen-School of Journalism and wrote as a freelancer for several German newspapers. Her works often focus on the marginalized members of society, such as unaccompanied refugee minors, transgender people, victims of violence or prisoners. Neufeld’s reports were nominated for major German prizes in journalism.

Dialika Neufeld won the 2017 European Press Prize Distinguished Writing Award with ‘Step-uncle Sam

Felix Hutt

Felix Hutt from Munich, Germany, studied Spanish and Journalism at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM, USA. After returning to Germany he went to Journalism School, before becoming a reporter. Since more than eight years he is staff-Reporter at stern-Magazine, first in Hamburg and now based in Munich. Covering a wide range of topics, from socio-political issues to crime to FC Bayern München, which is also his favourite team. In the fall of 2017 his first book, a true story about a German murderer, will come out. He is married and loves to travel, mostly to Africa or South America.

Felix Hutt won the 2017 European Press Prize Distinguished Writing Award with ’71 Lives’