Hans Petter Aass

Hans Petter Aass (1967) is a journalist and author who worked for Norway’s largest daily newspaper VG from 1994 to 2011. Since February 2011 he is a journalist for Stavanger Aftenblad’s investigative unit. He is author of three bestselling non-fiction books with former colleague in VG, Rolf J. Wideroe. He works mainly on topics concerning crime, humanitarian and social questions and public abuse of power and position. He is winner of several awards for journalism, including the Norwegian Culture Ministry’s Human Rights Award for journalists and Schibsted Award. 

Hans Petter Aass was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ’Glass Girl’

Rune Vandvik

Rune Vandvik started his mediatraining at Ringerike folk high school, and has since the mid 90s worked as a journalist, video producer and photographer in radio, television and newspapers. Since 2004 he has been working for the Norwegian media company Stavanger Aftenblad. Together with his colleagues Thomas Ergo and Hans Petter Aass he has produced several major stories and documentary films, some of them awarded with Norwegian press prizes.

Rune Vandvik was selected for the 2017 European Press Prize shortlist with ’Glass Girl’