Elena Stancu

Elena Stancu started working as a journalist 12 years ago and her stories focused on domestic violence, human trafficking, prison system and education; contributor at the Romanian editions of Marie Claire, National Geographic, Esquire. In 2013, she moved into a motorhome and started traveling around Romania in order to work on long-form journalism projects. She tells extensive stories about today Romania on Teleleu.eu.

Elena Stancu was selected for the 2016 European Press Prize shortlist with ‘No Criminal Record’

Jack Watling

Jack Watling is an investigative journalist who has contributed to The Guardian, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review, Reuters, Haaretz, VICE News and other publications, reporting on civil conflicts in Mali, Yemen, Iraq and further afield. Jack was formerly planning editor at NewsFixed where he coordinated a network of over 700 journalists. He is currently undertaking a PhD at Birkbeck, University of London, examining the history of British policy responses to civil war.

Jack Watling was selected for the 2016 European Press Prize shortlist with ’The Struggle for Mali’