Titus Knegtel

Titus Knegtel was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with We Still Live: What is Life Like in Russian-Occupied Mariupol?

Titus Knegtel (1988) is a designer for the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant. In 2015 his graduation project Other Evidence: Blindfold, a book about the mass graves of Srebrenica, was selected for The Best Dutch Book Designs and was awarded the Goldene Letter. He started his career in journalism at Het Financieele Dagblad and has been working at de Volkskrant since 2018, focussing mostly on online storytelling

Joris Heijkant

Joris Heijkant was selected for the 2024 Shortlist with We Still Live: What is Life Like in Russian-Occupied Mariupol?

Joris Heijkant (1993) is a Dutch data journalist and newsroom developer that has worked for various publications such as De Volkskrant, KRO-NCRV and De Morgen. He combines a more traditional media background with programming and data analysis.