Ihor Pochynok

Express is an excellent example of la local newspaper becoming the opinion leader of its region, and assuming at times a national role. Unabashedly political, though not connected to any of the parties, Express went on the barricades during the Orange Revolution, but had no hesitation in criticising the incompetence and corruption of the Yushchenko-Timoshenko government which ensued. It has in fact been in trouble with all the Ukrainian governments. It has also improved substantially its layout and content, easily becoming one of the best-produced daily’s in Ukraine.

Torry Pedersen

In general, VG provided outstanding coverage of the trial of Anders Breivik. Specifically, Pedersen decided to publish an internal court document, withheld from the public, on Breivik’s mental state, which stated that Breivik was psychotic while killing 77 people. The ensuing fierce public debate eventually led to a second evaluation by another expert panel which concluded that Breivik was not psychotic during the attack. He was found guilty of murdering 77 people. Without publication of the first report, Breivik would probably not have been found guilty and been detained in a psychiatric hospital.