Harald Schumann
Harald Schumann is senior reporter with the Berlin based daily “Der Tagesspiegel” since 2004 and co-founder of the team project Investigate Europe. He has a degree in political ecology and started his career with the “tageszeitung”( (taz, Berlin). He was staff reporter with “Der Spiegel” for 18 years and has written several political non-fiction books, among them the international bestseller “The Global Trap” (1997), which has been translated to 24 languages. After the Lehmann crash Harald produced two documentaries (“The Secret Bank Bailout”, “The Trails of the Troika”) about the political mismanagement of the financial crisis in Europe , which have been broad-casted in 15 European countries and won the German TV Award. Since 2016 Harald works with 8 colleagues from 8 European countries in the team “Investigate Europe”, whose members work collectively on issues of pan-European relevance. The team members share all research results and publish individually according the needs of the respective national media partners.
Harald was selected for The European Press Prize Shortlist 2014 with ‘Europa in der Krise – der deutsche Irrweg’